HEN17 Residents Group for Hartham Road, Elsden Road and Newlyn Road
Latest News and Activity
Join us for tea and a chat on Sunday September 1st in the Pavilion, Bruce Castle Park.
About HEN17
Who we are
We are a Tottenham based group of local residents living on Hartham, Elsden and Newlyn Road. Anyone living on these roads (or close by) is welcome to join us. The more the better! We are proud of where we live and want to do everything we can to improve the physical characteristics of the area and the way in which local people connect with each other. We have a Committee of 11 residents and we're always looking for people who want to get involved. Anyone who lives in the area can automatically be a member. There is no fee and no commitment needed.
What are we trying to do?
We would like to grow into a group that represents the interests of all residents. There are approximately 160 properties with several hundreds of people living, working and enjoying their leisure time in the area. Our aim is to work together to improve the area by connecting people, social activities, environmental actions, representing residents in local planning issues, or offering information advice and guidance. We want to take part in local debates, tackle current issues and plan for things in the future.
A few important things about the group:
It's inclusive - it's open to everyone.
Everyone who lives in the area has an equal opportunity to be and take part in the improvement of their community. We will go out of our way to include people who may be underrepresented in local groups.
It's voluntary - all members are volunteers (no-one is paid).
No-one is expected to commit to doing beyond what they can realistically do as part of their normal lives. It's expected that some may do more than others and doing nothing is also fine. However, everyone is encouraged to make a positive contribution and we take the view that everyone is able to contribute to their community though ways which cost nothing, like helping their neighbours, skills swap or encouraging others to become members.
Power in numbers - the more local people who join the group the better.
A larger and representative set of members provides the best platform for ensuring developments are agreed through consensus and that local people support and feel invested in the work of the group. Between us we have hundreds of years of skills, experience, goodwill and campaigning power. Do not underestimate what this can achieve!
What have we been up to ?
We held our first resident group meetings in winter 2022 and have used the time to gradually grow our base of members. We did this by speaking to people face to face, mobile phone groups and social media. We held our first Street Party on Monday 29 May 2023 and then our second on Monday 28 August 2023. Both events were well attended with over 100 visitors at each and positive feedback.
Summer Street Party 2004 - Newlyn Road Planter
Autumn planter building - Pumpkins and planters
Summer Street Party - Totten'HEN Carnival
Spring Street Party - Spring Bank Holiday BBQ!
What we can do together
Grow the group by inviting more residents to join the mailing list - please spread the word
Clean up our streets, by reporting via the Love Clean Streets app, or join a social litter pick
We're looking at fundraising bids all of the time - is this something you'd like to help with?
Interested in a street library ?
Skills swap. Give and get given, all for free
Campaign! Contact your local Councillor - we're worried about fly-tipping, mopeds mounting the pavement and other antisocial behaviour
Green up by planting in your garden or helping another
Build links. Partnerships are key so we're trying to connect wherever we can!
Would you like to join as a member or the Committee? Contact Matt and Dave (Co-Chairs) - hen17tottenham@gmail.com / 07501027957
HEN17 represents three roads in the N17 area south of Bruce Castle Park. The area is currently accessible from Lordship Lane with the west end of Hartham Road closed off by a Fire Gate and it's east side blocked by the LTN barrier.
Bruce Castle Ward Councillors listen and support.
We would encourage residents to get to know the Councillors by contacting them or attending their face to face surgeries. Show them how proud we are of our area! Be vocal, be kind and respectful.
Councillor Sue Jameson
Councillor Ibrahim Ali
Councillor Erdal Dogan
How can I get involved?
Come along to one of our meetings or events or just join the mailing list. You can also email us at hen17tottenham@gmail.com
Contact us by email - hen17tottenham@gmail.com
www.hen17.org - Version 2.0